O Deuwch Deulu Mwynion / Oh Come ye Gentle Family
Cerddoriaeth / Music - GBRh
Alaw ffidil / Fiddle tune - 'Marwnad yr Heliwr' (Tradd./Trad)
Geiriau / Lyrics - Huw Morys 'Eos Ceiriog' (1622-1709)
Trefniant / Arrangement - GBRh, GM, PR, MF, TR
O deuwch deulu mwynion
a’r gonest ferched gwynion,
fe ddarfu’r dyddiau blinion,
cawn dirion hinon Haf.
Daw cla’mai teg ei flodau
bob dydd â deunydd doniau
ac iechyd i’r ddwyfronau
lle bu calonau claf.
Agorwch yn drugarog,
yr haf ddaeth at y rhiniog,
mae dail ar goedydd brigog
a’r haul yn wridog wres
i borthi’r buchod brithion
ymysg briallu a meillion,
Daw’r dydd â theg anrhegion,
bendithion glaw a thes.
Y merched dewch i’r dyrfa
a’r meibion oerion ara’,
gwres yr Ha’ a’ch cynhesa
a minna’ ganaf gainc.
Diofalach pe bai filoedd
gyd chwara ym min mynyddoedd
na ‘myryd ar y moroedd
i ffrwyno lluoedd ffrainc
Y gŵr a gâr ddiddigrwydd
a’r wreigdda’n un gar’digrwydd,
boed i chi flwyddyn dedwydd
a thawel dywydd da.
Y gwanwyn a’ch bendithio,
eich tÅ· a’ch tylwyth ynddo
lle cawsom barch a chroeso
cyn heno’n canu Ha’.
O come ye gentle family
and the honest pure girls,
the tiresome days have ended,
we shall have lovely summer’s weather.
Mayday will bring fair flowers,
good things and health
to the breast,
where before there were aching hearts.
Have mercy and open the door.
Summer has come to your threshold
and leaves upon the branches,
and the sun with blushing warmth
to nourish the speckled cattle
amongst the primroses and clovers.
The day will bring its gifts
and the benefits of rain and sunshine.
You girls come to the crowd
and you lethargic lads.
Let summer’s heat warm you up
and I shall sing you a song.
‘Tis better that you play together
on the mountainside
than to meddle on the seas
to face the forces of the French.
You peace loving gentleman
and your wife that has the same inclination,
may you have a happy year
and gentle lovely weather.
May the spring bless you,
your house and your children within,
where we have received respect and welcome
whilst singing our summer song.