Wennol fwyn/ Gentle swallow
Cerddoriaeth / Music – GBRh / Tradd. / Trad.
Geiriau / Lyrics – William Rees ‘Gwilym Hiraethog’ (1802-1880)
Trefn./Arr. – GBRh, PR
O wennol fwyn, ti ddaethost eto
in dwyn ar go' fod haf ar wawrio.
Wedi bod yn hir ymdeithio -
croeso, croeso i ti.
Nid oes unhyw berchen aden
fwy cariadus na'r wenolen,
pawb o'th weled sydd yn llawen.
Ebe'r wennol - Twi, twi, twi twi.
Ha! mi wela'th fod yn chwilio
am dy nyth o dan ein bondo.
Y mae hwnnw wedi syrthio -
wennol, coelia fi.
O nid myfi yn wir a'i tynodd -
gwynt a glaw y gaea' a'i curodd,
ac o ddarn i ddarn fe gwympodd.
Ebe'r wennol- twi twi, twi twi
O wennol dirion paid a digio,
gelli wneud un newydd eto
a phe gallwn gwnawn dy helpio.
Aros gyda ni.
Casglaf glai, cei dithau ei weithio
a chymeraf ofal drosto
rhag i'r 'deryn tô ddod iddo.
Ebe'r wenol - twi twi, twi twi.
Wennol fach, paham dihengi
draw oddiwrthyf? Paid ag ofni.
Aros, bydd yn gyfaill imi.
Rwy'n dy garu di.
Credu'r wyf fod genyt galon
bur, ddiniwed, gywir, ffyddlon -
peth anfynych ymhlith dynion.
Ebe'r wenol – twi twi, twi, twi.
Mi ddymunais wennol lawen
ganwaith feddu ar dy aden
i allu hedeg uwch y wybren,
uwch y byd a'i gri.
Ymryddhau oddiwrth helbulon
bywyd dynol a'i ofalon,
ac fel tithau'n iach fy nghalon -
canu uwch eu pen - twi twi, twi twi.
Oh gentle swallow, you’ve come again
to remind us that summer is almost dawning.
After having travelled a long time -
welcome, welcome to you.
There isn´t any owner of a wing
as lovable as the swallow,
everyone is joyful for having seen you.
The swallow said – twee twee twee twee
Hail! I see that you´re searching
for your nest under our eaves.
It´s fallen,
swallow, believe me.
oh it wasn´t me who pulled it down, truly.
The wind and the rain of the winter had beaten it,
and piece by piece is fell.
The swallow said – twee twee twee twee
Oh tender swallow, don’t get upset,
you can make another one again,
and if I can, I´ll help you.
Stay with us.
I´ll collect clay and you can work it,
and I´ll take care of it
so that the sparrow doesn´t come to it.
The swallow said – twee twee twee twee
Little swallow, why do you flee
from me? Don’t be afraid.
Stay, be my friend.
I love you.
I believe that you’ve a pure, innocent,
true, faithful heart.
something that’s very scarce amongst people.
The swallow said – twee twee twee twee
I´ve wished a hundred times, joyfull swallow,
to obtain your wing,
so I can fly beyond the firmament,
above the world and it´s cry.
to free myself from the strife
of human life and its troubles,
and like you, with a light, healthy heart –
to sing over their heads – twee twee twee twee